I hope you're enjoying yourself sitting there and reading this blog. I also hope you find my thoughts and recaps entertaining, educational and maybe inspirational.
I started to take running seriously after college. It was a combination of things that led me to this. First I had a lot of free time. Second, I realized life after college has no structure. Third, I needed some activity that would keep me in shape and moving around and lastly, I like traveling and this is a great way to visit different cities.
There was only one problem. at first I couldn't run a mile without dying. So I worked hard on it, set myself some goals, and started to hit the sidewalks. (I might write more about that process at one point) Now, its one of the things I enjoy doing the most and enjoy sharing my thoughts about it with others.
So enjoy! and if you have any questions go ahead and ask away.
I have a question...