Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This week needed to be my Put Up or Shut Up Training week to be ready for Long Beach and what do I go and do? Twist my right ankle playing soccer. Worst.timing.ever. So now that my ankle is the size of an orange I have to hobble around and had to stop running. There is nothing more infuriating that wanting to go for a run and be thwarted by a soccer ball.

So what to do now? I'm not sure when I'll be able to get back out there. If by next Monday I can get at least a 5 mile run with no pain, then I'll do my best to get back on track. If this lasts longer than a week, then the LB Full is completely out of the question. Worse case scenario, I can still aim for the half.

This whole situation really ticks me since I feel I'm in my best running shape ever right now. ARGH. C'est la vie, I guess.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Long Beach

When I finished the first half of the San Francisco Marathon I felt great and thought I could have ran at least five more miles with no problem. So I decided I needed to run another marathon..... just like that.

Since the SF Marathon is part of the California Dreamin' Racing Series and I like medals (HAHA), I decided the Long Beach Marathon was the best choice for my next goal.

That race takes place Oct 17th giving me just about 2 months to train for it. At first I picked a training program created by Runner's World's SmartCoach and tried it for a week. However, I felt that it wasn't really set up for enough mileage so I went back to my trusty Marathon Rookie training plan that I successfully used to run LA.

So, I have about 8 more weeks before the big day and I need to get on running. Tomorrow there are 12 miles I want to finish before 9am since I'm going to be busy the rest of the day with this! Seriously, how awesome is that?!

I'll leave you with this video for now:

Nothing but a good time!