Just got back from this morning's run. 7:30am is too late to start. The temperature was already in the high 60s and the cloud cover was nowhere to be found.
As I mentioned yesterday it was my first time running with someone as, or more, into running than me. I didn't know I was in for a surprise. Patrick is a Sub-4 Marathon runner who just finished his junior year of high school! His PR for his competitive 2-mile races is 11:50!! Needless to say, I was playing catch up the whole time. Thankfully he was gracious enough to stay next or only one step ahead of me. The first three miles were a bit difficult since they were a slight, long uphill but after that the decline began and I was able to maintain a faster pace.
Another thing I was preparing for was talking while running. Since this is the first time we've met (He's a friend of a friend and we've only talked on Facebook) I knew we were going to talk about all things running and whatnot. I found talking and running to be easier than expected. We chatted up and my breathing never became difficult, so that's a plus for me!
He's also into the five finger running shoes. I've read the argument that has been brewing for about a year regarding this new trend. We didn't really discuss why he was into them but I'm sure that's a conversation for another time.
We finished 7 miles in about an hour and five minutes. I accidentally hit the stop button as I was putting the timer away right at the start, so the time is just an estimate.
Running with someone else is very different from running alone but is something I now welcome a bit more. We're going to try to do this every week and I'm looking forward to see how it develops.
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